On August 18th and 19th, 1941, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met in Salzburg, Austia, to discuss the progress of the war which the US had yet to officially enter. Hitler’s personal pilot, one Hans Baur, was also an amateur movie photography buff and shot color footage of that Monday and Tuesday event. It shows a rather interesting view of these two vile men. Since much of the existing film we have of them is propagandist in nature and formally staged and shot, we tend to only think of them in their ‘Strongman’ personas. Here we see them (and others around them) in a much more relaxed, casual setting. No strutting about, making mean faces and screaming to crowds. This is casual fascism, a relaxed atmosphere and they almost seem like humans rather than the caricatures we now know them as. This, of course, makes this footage all the more chilling. The current President of the United States frequently is seen in similarly casual settings and is thus felt to be approachable, not overly intimidating, pretending to be comfortable in fast food places, outdoor events etc. Both Hitler and Mussolini were much more controlling of their public images, making these views of them off their guard quite fascinating. We even see people standing just a few feet away from Der Fuhrer smiling happily at him, with him returning the sunny smiles. They are, of course, German soldiers…


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