This is a post I had been meaning to do for a very long time and then there came a point when it could only be done on the final night; only now it seems apt. Our producer Zachary Matz has been the darkest of horses when it comes to set presence. Yet, he has been the definition of “trooper”, assuming the above position for 14 hours a day, his phone headset never far from his earlobes. This is a post in acknowledgment of Zachary Matz and it comes from my endless reserve of gushiness. So readers, suffer no more my ramblings, but be assured he is awesome, the movie would not have been made without him and it would not have been the same experience without his impromptu lessons in production throughout the long days in the musty City Island office. I don’t really need to say much more, (I think my sentiment is clear) because I know I will get wasted tomorrow at the wrap party and tell him myself…
The minutes, along with the film feet, are slowly slipping away and burning up. In 3 hours all this starts to become a memory and no longer a reality…