Sometimes it’s nice to give a blog a month off. Unfortunately, the silence of the past month was an inadvertent one–I’ve been directing the Bernie Madoff mini-series for ABC, an event that normally I would have blogged to death. For reasons that are a bit murky and not really necessary to get into, I was more or less prevented from doing this. (I’ll go into details in my forthcoming memoir, tentatively titled: “Raymond De Felitta; A Life At Home”).
But we had a spectacularly great shoot and I’m now a free man, happy to continue this absurd exercise in ‘brand-building’ and incessant self-promotion. To that end, let’s look at the above posted series of Suntory Whisky commercials, featuring Francis Coppola (young, fat and beard as opposed to old, fat and bearded) and–get this–Akira Kurosawa, who apparently could belt ’em back pretty good. This all came about because yesterday, on my first day off, I spent the afternoon watching the complete three-hour forty-seven minute version of “Seven Samurai”, largely to make myself feel better about the huge amount of work I have to do to pull together the two-hour forty-five minute movie I’ve just shot. It didn’t. But a healthy dose of Tito’s (my version of Suntory) did the trick…