‘Shindig’, a weekly pop music and dance program which aired on ABC from 1964 to 1966, was the inspiration for the somewhat slicker and better remembered ‘Hullabaloo’ which aired on NBC. A number of syndicated dance shows–‘Hollywood A Go Go’ and ‘Shivaree’ most notably–also appeared on the scene, but ‘Shindig’ managed to book the best guests: Tina Turner, Bo Diddley, Sonny and Cher, The Beach Boys, James Brown, Lesley Gore, The Supremes and The Ronettes all made appearances as did the great Jackie Wilson, whose 1965 appearance I’ve posted above. Wilson was a one-of-a-kind dancer and performer and is sadly forgotten today. But watching him is a delight as you’ll no doubt agree after checking out his version of ‘Baby Workout’. I’ll be showing this video, along with others from the aforementioned dance shows of the era, tonight at 7PM EST (assuming you’re reading this today, which would be July 12 2022) on Will Friedwald’s online music fest ‘Clip Joint’. See yesterdays post for the link to join in the fun.