It’s been over a month since I’ve posted anything on this blog and I can place the blame for my laziness squarely on the shoulder of Twitter. After being on Twitter for something like eight years and barely ever glancing at it, I finally found out what is so addictive about it and have lost hours on it (along with an online Bridge game that I’ve devoted far too much time too as well). I’m not going to opine on the matter. I just confess to having grown addicted to Goddam Twitter. Aside from its addictive nature, it allows me to post things such as the above video compilation of ‘Celebrity TV Commercials’ from the 50s through the 70s without feeling guilty that I’m not writing a windy blog entry such as this one. But as I’m a writer by profession (and perhaps by nature, though lately my fondness for nature is waning) I might as well keep this muscle tuned up. Or in shape. Whatever.
Among the celebrities featured in the above vintage ads are Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz (shilling for Phillip Morris cigarettes), Dean Martin (selling his own branded golf balls), the cast of Hogans Heroes (Jello?), Johnny Cash (can’t remember), Jack Benny (gasoline…seriously), Farrah Fawcett (hair products) and others. Perhaps the most poignant and more than a little spooky of those others is John Wayne who appears in two commercials. The first, from the 50s, is for Camel Cigarettes. The second, from the seventies, is a call to support the American Cancer Society, for whom Duke had become a spokesman after contracting the lung cancer that would eventually kill him. And on that cheery note…