Take a little spin down the Sunset Strip in 1964, courtesy of the above clip. While the uniformly low buildings of the time have now given way in many cases to mega-hotels, there are still quite a few recognizable ones. My family moved to LA four years after this and even though I was quite young, I feel like I remember this iteration of the Strip. Just watching this evoked the smell of the Barbecue place on the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights (where the big nasty mall is now once stood a small nasty strip mall). The cars are sparser of course and much more pleasing to the eye. The City National Bank building looms at the end of the strip through the entire ride and the northwest corner of Doheny and Sunset is the exact same liquor store that it is now–that makes at least 58 years of boozing on that corner. Just as the driver passes the store (no doubt wondering if he should stop in for a bottle) he blows a light and almost crashes into a car that has to stop short. The driver gives him a nasty look, as well he should. And thus ends this little jaunt down the Strip of Dreams…