Yesterday I posted the opening credit sequence from ‘The Delicate Delinquent’. Today’s offering is the musical credit sequence from his next movie ‘Rock-A-Bye Baby’ (1958), featuring the witty title song by Harry Warren and Sammy Cahn. A reader posited that the ‘Delicate Delinquent’ sequence might have been directed by Jerry as it bears no stylistic resemblance to the rest of the movie (which was directed by the writer, Don McGuire). It’s an interesting observation, though somehow I think that if Jerry directed it, he would have made damn sure that everyone knew that he directed it. I wonder if the studios specifically farmed out the credit sequences to specialists in that distinctive field (and if so, who were they?) This sequence is less story-centric than the ‘D.D.’ one, but it’s beautifully staged and shot.
2 Responses
I cant believe I have never seen this !!!!
yes, a rather elegant opening–suprisingly so. Re: DD–McGavin was indeed substituted for Dean.