Apropos of yesterday’s post concerning my childhood love bordering on the piggish for crappy, sugary breakfast cereals, I thought I’d ruminate for a moment on the differences between Quisp and Quake. The two cereals were designed to be cohorts and in a sense the characters were co-dependent polar opposites. Frequent competitions between the cereals gave kids an excuse to ask their parents to buy more of their favorite one so that Quisp could triumph over Quake or vice versa. Very cunning of Kellogs, don’t you think? The interesting (sort of) thing here is which characters kids responded too. Just as there are cat vs. dog people and Star Trek vs. Star Wars people and Bugs Bunny vs. Mickey Mouse people, there were Quisp kids and Quake kids. Oddly I think the kids who choose sides between all the above products probably all chose the same ones. For instance, if you were a Quake kid you were likely a square, sincere, sports-loving, earnest child with an overdose of self-confidence (which likely hid fears of a terrifying nature). Thus you would prefer Star Wars over Star Trek, dogs over cats, Mickey Mouse over Bugs Bunny etc. Quisp kids were more likely to be mischievous, brainy, poor at sports and normal socialization, with a need to attract attention with willfully eccentric behavior. Thus Star Trek, with its period appeal would be the go-to Sci Fi choice; cats, with their haughty lack of interest in being loved would be the preferred animal; and Bugs–the wicked and amusing rabbit would be the clear preference over Mickey the earnest mouse. Above and below I’ve posted two Quisp and Quake commercials. I was a Quisper, natch. And if you’re actually reading this blog entry you probably were too…


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