Ray Romano and Raymond De Felitta (right)
A film is conceived in someone’s mind then transferred into ink and paper (or pixel on a computer screen). It grows through multiple revisions and evolves into a full-fleshed story once production begins. Within its multi-stages of development much is done to prepare the environment in which it will come to life. Much excitement and anticipation is build around the birth of a film on the first day of shoot. Then we all stand proudly and nervously as it begins to crawl, then takes it’s first steps. With much care, everyone involved in its creation thoughtfully prepares the path of the film to unfold.
As the time goes by, the film takes shape and develops its personality. Tantrums and emotional break-downs, mood-swings and plain old fun make up the many facets of the newly formed entity- the film- and of course its creators!
Days are exhausting, beginning at the crack of dawn and ending well after the sun has set. Coffee, cigarettes and snacks fuel the machinery made up of the entire cast and crew. Yet at the very last moment before closing our eyes we rest satisfied of the accomplishments of day… Yet knowing there is still much to be done.
We all try to exercise patience and perseverance, working as fast and efficient as humanly possible to achieve a beautiful picture and within our set schedule.
Here’s a peek at a day in the life on a movie set SCHEDULE:
4:AM wake up 4:15AM shower 5AM on the road 6AM on set 8AM shoot starts Shoot Set change Shoot Costume change Shoot LUNCH (YES!!) Shoot Set change Shoot Costume change Shoot Additional angles shoot 7PM wrap 8PM off set 9PM home Dinner/ food Emails Preparing for next day 11PM Bedtime 🙂