Early next month (exact date to be determined soon) a documentary I’ve been working on over a rather embarrassingly long time-span about the actor Burt Young will finally make its debut. Titled ‘A Film About The Actor Known As Burt Young’, the doc is an examination of–and tribute to–the marvelously enigmatic actor/writer/painter, a man who I’ve worked with professionally twice and become close friends with over the years. The films distribution method will be unique to me but by no means revolutionary; it will be released in ten-minute segments on YouTube over the course of a few weeks, with each ‘chapter’ being a self-contained unit of the story, leaving viewers breathlessly awaiting the next. I’ll be shamelessly asking for as much Burt Young-love from the online world as is possible to ask for—this is an uncommercial venture that is entirely dependent on fans sharing it with each other for it to find its place in the over-crowded cloud-sync of our meta-datatious viewing geist. (I made up a word in that last sentence but I defy you to tell me which). As a teaser, above I’ve posted a wonderful Burt-Paulie moment from Rocky IV. Stay tuned…
5 Responses
I’ve worked with Burt a few times as well. More than happy to spread the word- just let me know details and would love to check out!
Can’t wait to see this… please keep me informed as to any screenings … thanks
This: https://vimeo.com/430906377?share=copy
Perfecto, Home Run/utter economy